Mind The Gap launch with Assemble Communities
Mind The Gap launch with Assemble Communities

The Comic Art Workshop 2017 Jogkatarta Indonesia

Drawing Power Launch
Drawing Power comic anthology launch with Sarah Firth, Mary Crooks and Rachel Ang. At Readings Carlton 2019. This book was selected by The New York Times as one of the best graphic novels of 2019.

Launching Graphic Recorders Australia
Founding Committee member Sarah Firth launching Graphic Recorders Australia with Jessamy Gee, Zahra Zainal, Alice Edy, Matt Magain and Jimmy Patch. GRA is a not-for-profit professional membership association, initiated to support the growth and quality of the Graphic Recording community in Australia.

The Comic Art Workshop Residency 2015
Sarah Firth and fellow comic artists and cartoonists workshopping their graphic novels at the inagural Comic Art Workshop on Maria Island in 2015

Visual Practice Workshop: Systems Thinking and Professional Development
Sarah Firth, Kelvy Bird and Alfredo Carlo at the Visual Practice Workshop: Systems Thinking and Professional Development. With the Presencing Institute, Melbourne.

Sarah Firth 2019 VizConf Keynote
Sarah Firth giving the keynote presentation at the 2019 VizConf “what is our impact and responsibility as graphic recorders?”

The Comic Art Workshop 2019
Sarah Firth and fellow comic artists and cartoonists at the 2019 Comic Art Workshop on Dangar Island

Red Cross Australian Volunteers in Development Annual Reflection
Sarah Firth facilitating The Australian Red Cross Australian Volunteers in Development Annual Reflection Workshop.

Lakes International Comic Festival
Sarah Firth, Chris Gooch, Rachel Ang, Leonie Brialey, Stuart Medley and Bruce Mutard at the Lakes International Comic Festival 2017 thanks to an Australian Council Grant.

Sarah Firth VizConf 2019 Keynote
Sarah Firth giving the keynote presentation at the 2019 VizConf “what is our impact and responsibility as graphic recorders?”

Imagina Museo Puebla Mexico
Sarah Firth ran a series of comic workshops for children at the Imagina Museo in Puebla, Mexico in partnership with the Arquetopia Foundation.

Red Cross Australian Volunteers in Development Annual Reflection
Sarah Firth facilitating The Australian Red Cross Australian Volunteers in Development Annual Reflection Workshop.

Face to Face Project

TEDx Melbourne
Sarah Firth at TEDx Melbourne as part of the “Stuff of Dreams” project with Sarah Rowen, Serena Geddes and Karolina Partika.

Imagina Museo Pueblo Mexico
Sarah Firth ran a series of comic workshops for children at the Imagina Museo in Puebla, Mexico in partnership with the Arquetopia Foundation.

Face To Face Project

Starving Artist Podcast Launch

Graphic Recording for Educators
Sarah Firth running her workshop on Graphic Recording for Educators

Graphic Recording 101: Visual Thinking & Communication Course
Sarah Firth running her Graphic Recording 101: Visual Thinking & Communication Course

Garden of Earthly Delights
Have you ever felt concerned that your contribution to the world might be too small to make a difference? Join others in a playful virtual gardening exercise where real world pledges to care for the environment combine to grow a digital sculpture. Observe green pledges as they connect to one another and create a giant vine and ever shifting soundscape, which envelops the Phee Broadway Theatre foyer at the Castlemaine State Festival in March 2017. An interactive video projection and animation by artists Pierre Proske and Sarah Catherine Firth, The Garden of Earthly Delights, encourages and visualises collective action on the environment.

Wyndham City Landscape & Urban Design Collaboration
Werribee Children's Festival collaboration with Wyndham City Landscape & Urban Design to discover children's dream playground ideas #playspacewyndham

Wyndham City Landscape & Urban Design Collaboration
Werribee Children's Festival collaboration with Wyndham City Landscape & Urban Design to discover children's dream playground ideas #playspacewyndham

Fawkner Festa
Running a collaborative drawing wall and survey with the Counihan Gallery at the Fawkner Festa #fawknerfesta #Fawkner #MorelandCouncil #visualfacilitation #communityengagement #counihangallery

Imagina Museo Puebla Mexico
Sarah Firth ran a series of comic workshops for children at the Imagina Museo in Puebla, Mexico in partnership with the Arquetopia Foundation.